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Dharmaline donates 10% of sales to The Path

photo courtesy of The Path

My joy is in connecting to Mother Earth and with the launch of Dharmaline, it's also my joy to share the project that I have it in my heart to donate to!

The Path is a 40-acre property in Estancia, New Mexico housing Flordemayo's Seed Temple. Flordemayo is a healer of Mayan descent and a founder of The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. The Seed Temple is a seed-saving site that looks toward providing organic and heirloom seeds to the next seven generations, until we are no longer under threat of gmos and rampant pesticide use, etc. That day will come! 

In the meantime, I will donate 10% of Dharmaline sales each month to the Seed Temple, which will provide funds for outreach, working materials, and maintenance of the site.

Please visit The Path here to learn how the seeds are saved, to learn more about Flordemayo, her wisdom, and the project in Estancia.


the Dharmaline online store is here!

                                                                                                          photos courtesy of Dharmaline, please credit when sharing

it has been an amazing learning curve of a week and i am so happy to announce that the store is up and running! please come visit here and get a little head start on your holidays with these Heart Smiles. these are first in a series of grounding talismans meant to be worn at the heart and to produce smiles. let that light shine darlin'! so much gratitude to all the hand crafters and earth lovers who are following their joy and making this one woman here so happy and honored to join you!